Gas Sensing
- Our gas cells are used as a local reference to provide the precise position and shape of spectral features of the gas being sensed. This vastly simplifies tuning of lasers used in TDLAS systems and allows marked improvement in minimum detectable concentrations. We can fill with almost any gas either pure or gas mixtures to customer specifications
- Our gas cells provide traceable gas cell features from the O-band (1260-1360nm) to the L-band (1565-1675nm) for calibration of OSAs and tunable lasers.
- Our gas cells are an ideal on board calibration device for FBG interrogators.
- Our Clarity and Clarity plus can provide laser sources referenced to gas lines with <0.1pm accuracy
- We can provide low cost miniaturized gas cell for use in OEM equipment. Our reliability and quality have been verified by 20 years of experience. We have also been space qualified for use in satellites. We are happy to provide custom solutions for specific customer needs.
- We can work with customers to use our Clarity plus technology for use as line cards for fiber optic communication networks.
- Due to the stability and accuracy of our Clarity lasers they find use in coherent communication and quantum encryption experiments
- We can provide gas cells with custom fills and configurations as well as flow cells allowing fiber coupled experimentation with any gas.
Manufacturing Test
- Our Clarity or Clarity Plus can serve as a traceable calibration source in any manufacturing test station
- The Clarity Plus has a continuous offset tuning feature that can test network elements sensitivity to offset drift of laser frequency
- The same offset feature allows fiber Bragg grating testing using an inherently traceable source.