New! Clarity NLL Narrow Line Laser Module
The Clarity NLL is a compact low-cost laser module that offers high power and an extremely narrow linewidth. The laser uses an ultra-stable gas absorption line in a feedback configuration to narrow the laser linewidth, specified to be <5KhZ and typically to 1-2Khz. This linewidth is useful for any long baseline interferometric sensing application such as distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), coherent LIDAR, or others. To support these applications the module can also be configured to provide a linear high speed frequency modulation capability of ±70 Mhz with a 1Mhz bandwidth. The use of standard telecommunications lasers and our own gas cells makes for a reliable and low-cost product to satisfy the needs of these applications.
New! Clarity PFR Frequency Reference Laser Module
The Clarity PFR continues the offerings of Wavelength References for primary frequency laser sources. This module is targeted at applications where small size is important or where the product will be embedded as an OEM component in a customer’s product. The laser offers a frequency absolute accuracy of ±0.1pm and can be ordered at several wavelengths in the 1300nm to 1610nm region. Please consult factory for availability. The laser can be offered in a rugged aluminum housing or even at a board level for easy integration within a customer’s product. Custom firmware specific to a customer’s requirements can also be provided.